
Hi fellow pool lovers, I created this site for those who love to play pool, want to find information about the game, play online pool games, watch online pool clips etc. Basically, it's for anyone who SIMPLY LOVE POOL!

Pool Rules 10-Ball

About 10-Ball

Ten-ball is a modern pocket billiards game. It is a rotation game very similar to nine-ball using ten balls instead of nine, thus posing a greater challenge than nine-ball.

Some professionals have said that ten-ball is preferred over nine-ball because it is slightly harder to pocket any balls on the break shot with more balls in the rack. Players cannot win the game simply by pocketing the 10 on the break, similar to a golden break in 9-ball, and achieving a string of break-and-runs on successive racks becomes increasingly difficult. There is a possibility that ten-ball will eventually take over nine-ball as the most popular professional tournament game.

About Pool Rules
There are 2 main bodies governing the playing of pool. They are the Billiards Congress of America ("BCA") and World Pool Association ("WPA"). As their name suggests, BCA is more widely recognised in the US while WPA rules are used around the world.

While the rules from the 2 bodies are largely the same, they are some differences. In fact, there could be regional rules or even specific pool hall rules that you need to be aware of should you be in that location. However, these 2 sets of rules are the most universal pool playing rules that one cannot afford to ignore.

One must also know that there are general rules, in addition to the specific rules for the game-specific rules, that govern the game. The rules have to be read together and not on a standalone basis. Due to possible copyright violations, the links to the rules instead of the rules themselves are provided here instead.

For General Rules
Click here for BCA General Rules and here for WPA General Rules.

For Game-Specific Rules
Click here for WPA 10-ball rules. Links to the BCA 10-ball rules are not available.