
Hi fellow pool lovers, I created this site for those who love to play pool, want to find information about the game, play online pool games, watch online pool clips etc. Basically, it's for anyone who SIMPLY LOVE POOL!

My Brunswick Apollo Table

I have always wanted to buy a pool table because I simply love pool. Money, space constraints and objections from family were some of the hurdles that I had to face. But finally, i took the plunge to get the Brunswick Apollo table.

Admittedly, it was a tough decision to make. Not because that there were too many pool tables for me to choose from; Brunswick was the clear choice. But there were several other factors that I had to contend with. Let's start with the pull factors.

Pull factors

1) I love playing pool.

2) Its a lifestyle item.

3) The Brunswick Apollo looks modern and extremely nice. I just have to own it.

4) Brunswick is the top brand in pool tables and has a long history. Refer to for details.

Push factors

1) Buying a pool table isn't cheap. It costs a few thousand bucks. On top of that, I still have to contend with the maintenance costs such as re-felting and purchasing additional accessories.

2) I'll have to sacrifice a dining table as I've no place other than the dining area to house a pool table. Obviously, this did not go down with my future wife.

3) My living area + dining area combined will look cluttered. I'll show you a layout of the pool table in my house here. Please refer to my page on pool room area requirements.

After much consideration, I went ahead with the decision to buy the 8-feet Brunswick Apollo table. Till today, I have not regretted doing so and I'm a proud owner of a Brunswick pool table, joining the lumniaries who owned Brunswick tables!

When I shift to a bigger place, I'll get a 9 feet-table. No joke about that! I'm looking at the Brunswick Manhattan already. ; )