I love pool (and my wife, too!), do you? If you do, welcome to this blog! I'm here to share what I know about the pool game (namely 8-ball and 9-ball), provide online resources which you can refer to, show some videos of myself demonstrating shots as well as anything about pool. The whole aim is to spread the love of the game and of course, more importantly, to "up" our skill levels through sharing your experiences through your comments.
I'm not sure why but I am addicted to this game. I play it very often, I started blogging about it and I even sacrificed a dinner table in my dining hall for a Brunswick pool table! My wife has expressed serious concerns about the cost of table. Well, I guess I have to play more often to justify its cost! ; ) Anyway, here's the model I bought: the Brunwick Apollo. It's an amazing, contemporary piece of work! After all, they've been in this business for more than a 100 years. I should get paid for advertising their brand, shouldn't I?
Hi fellow pool lovers, I created this site for those who love to play pool, want to find information about the game, play online pool games, watch online pool clips etc. Basically, it's for anyone who SIMPLY LOVE POOL!